Old pictures of Jorhat you have never seen

Old pictures of Jorhat

Hello guys, how you all are doing ?
In one of our earlier articles you have seen some amazing photographs of Jorhat, and now in this one we will show you some of the oldest pictures of Jorhat.

So here is the count down begins :

1. This is the picture of old Jorhat Railway Station (Junction). Jorhat has mainly two railway stations. The other one is Mariani Junction. In the picture you can clearly see the Jorhat junction sign board on.
Moreover during the British Rule, the railway station was situated in the JPR road. which abbreviates Jorhat Provincial Railway Road.
Old Pictures of Jorhat


  1. The next picture is , a picture of a cinema hall. Prabhraj cinema hall, the popular cinema hall of 90’s (or you can say INOX of 90’s), which is now transformed into a warehouse. The crowd in the picture can tell you the story of how popular the hall was.

  2. The next picture is old Jorhat Airport (Rowriah Airport). Rowriah Airport was established in 1950’s. It is also a Air Force base Station (Jorhat AFS) of Indian Air Force. In the picture below, it is probably the Air traffic control tower.

  3. The next one is Balya Bhavan, one of the best schools in Assam. Balya Bhavan was established on 10th November 1950. In the picture, you can see the main entrance building of the school.


  1. The next one is Nirmal Chariali. You can clearly see the old Bata store and the Nirmal Cycles in the photograph.

Hope you all are amazed to see the old photographs. Comment us your thoughts and share this post to a another Jorhatian. Thank you.

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